Suzanne Riche

Suzanne Riche
(Favourite vintage sun hat!)

About Me

Hi! Welcome to my 'live' blog (exciting!). I, Suzanne, have found a curious care and concern for many current world issues that I see on my T.V. and thought that - hello! - I should be doing something about them! So, here it is. I'm speaking up - you ought to give it a listen ;)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Facebook Suicide - It's essential.

Do have a look and don't forget to remember - it's an open forum! Discuss with me, people! Thanks.

Suzanne Riche xoxo


  1. heehehehehehe love it!!

  2. You know what I think! Good stuff Ella =) xx

  3. your views are very interesting. however, i think the cat disagrees

  4. I beg your pardon, 'Anonymous', but Kitty and I see eye-to-eye one hundred percent!

  5. Hey Suzanne, ur blog is really interesting. I agree with ur view on the privacy with Facebook (although i do disagree about Facebook Suicide, but more on that later), especially around the live news feed. Here is my friend (on FB) writes on my other friends wall and it upsets me, i comment and we end up having a virtual fight(which might involve a few digital sheep being thrown around). the issue for me is that my friend knew that this feed is not private, yet still made the comment. It is not Facebook's fault because they have provided private messaging etc. my concern is that my friend then wanted me to see the wall post, exploiting Facebook in that way. So Suzanne, my question to u is whether or not Facebook has become a medium for a group of friends (and acquaintances)to reveal intimate/private information about/to each other in an environment were it is largely accepted to do so.


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